Headline for the day: 24 weeks! Baby Sweet T is officially considered "viable", meaning if she were born today, she has a good chance at survival. The fact that she is a she, and that we have a level 4 NICU close by make it an even greater chance, so it's a really exciting place to be for me after having a preemie and knowing that it could happen again...sooner. For now, she does not seem to be trying to make an escape...my uterus is just irritated about her being in there and likes to let me know it. We had our first trip to L&D last weekend due to some REAL contractions, but thankfully they stopped before we even got there and we were sent home pretty quickly. I'm uncomfortable a lot of the time, but as far as we can tell, nothing is happening that is threatening the real deal just yet.
I am still struggling to remind myself that these:

are better than the steroid shots they give you when they think your baby will be born premature any time now, and they want to get their lungs matured quicker. Only 12 more of these lovely things to go...one of which is warming up right now...eek.
How far along? 24 weeks!!!
Total weight gain: 12 lbs as of last weekMaternity clothes? definitely
Stretch marks? not so far
Sleep: Thank you Ambien...
Best moment this week: Knowing that baby girl is viable now if something happens!
Miss Anything? my old jeans?
Movement: always. I felt my first full-body flip yesterday...what a crazy feeling!
Food cravings: chocolate last night, but I got that one taken care of :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: random times it happens still, but not constant, thank goodness.
Gender: sweet baby girl
Labor Signs: not today!
Symptoms: braxton hicks contractions, back pain...the usual
Belly Button in or out? in, but it's on the move
Wedding rings on or off? on...no swelling anywhere yet
Happy or Moody most of the time: don't ask me...
Looking forward to: Last time my answer was 24 weeks, and here we are, so now I will say 27 weeks and getting through the day when my water broke with Adelyn without it happening again!
Here are the belly pictures for the week: (can you see how lopsided my belly is in the first one? good grief...)
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