How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain: 8lbs! That is crazy to me since I had SUCH a hard time gaining with Adelyn and only made it to 10 total...this time it's happening steadily and right on track, yay!Maternity clothes? yep, definitely needing those maternity pants/shorts full time now
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: so very sleepy--I think that's a side effect of the progesterone
Best moment this week: seeing my new baby girl on the screen and hearing that she looks perfectly healthy so far!
Miss Anything? my energy seems to be missing...
Movement: feeling big rolls now--hopefully that means she doesn't intend to be breech all the time
Food cravings: orzo salad--and my sister is making me some this weekend for my birthday!
Anything making you queasy or sick: not much!
Gender: 100% girl!
Labor Signs: nothing anyone wants to read about...yuck
Symptoms: heartburn! this girl better have some hair...
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on, when I don't forget to put them on because of silly pregnancy brain
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy
Looking forward to: 24 weeks--the first milestone in the life of a preemie mom because it means viability!
I'm in love with this girl already!
Adelyn got her cast off this week, and is happily back in action with both arms to get into everything. She's also driving me crazy and refusing to nap this morning...gRRRRRR. She just threw my favorite chapstick in the trash, while I was telling her "no!" very firmly. Sigh.
I think maybe she's ready to drop the morning nap, but she can't quite make it all the way to the afternoon yet, so late mornings are kind of a mess while we battle over to nap or not to nap. It would be easier if I wasn't tired and wanting MY naptime too.
The good news is, the weekend is here again, and Nathan will be home in about six hours, so I can survive a little more madness knowing that. I'm hoping to spend our weekend car shopping for my new big girl car (did I mention I'm 24 now? So grown up...) and then celebrating both of our birthdays with my family on Sunday. And maybe a nap for me...
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