So, I have some upcoming posts planned, but for now I think I'll just catch-up and recap what we've been up to lately.
Nathan has been doing well in Egypt. Mostly he's a little bored and burnt out of playing Army man now, and not too excited about the 100+ degree temps that have settled in, but I don't feel TOO sorry for him since he posts pictures on Facebook like this:

Sure, my poor Irishman ended up with a blistering sunburn, but still...that's not exactly the hard-knock life. Hopefully he can make it through another four months of rising temperatures and come back just in time for his favorite season in NC.
We haven't gotten to talk much at all lately...our schedules make it hard and it seems like he always pops online right as we're about to get settled in for naps. We're trying to make it work, and even Skype dates that mostly revolve around me changing diapers and disciplining the whole time are worth it to see and hear each other.
Adelyn is rocking the terrible two's--tantrums galore. When she's not shrieking until she can't breathe, she's sweet as pie and loves to snuggle and sing and tell me a million things that are constantly on her mind. Her vocabulary continues to explode and she constantly amazes me by the new ways she can communicate. She was having a rough time with back to back ear infections, but after weekly adjustments by our awesome chiropractor, she has gone about six weeks without one now, and hopefully that means the warm weather will keep them away and she'll outgrow the tendency by fall/winter. I know tubes are pretty easy and can be a solution, but I'd rather avoid it if we can stick with the natural route instead.

Ella is about to be five months old, and time is just flying by! We have been battling severe reflux since she was two weeks old, and it has been a rough few months, but finally we are seeing a lot of victories. She's been on Prevacid for about six weeks now and I am hoping in a couple more weeks to start getting her off of that. She's also been getting adjusted at the chiropractor frequently, and seeing a feeding therapist weekly for several weeks. Last week she was doing so well that her therapist wanted to videotape us to use for teaching purposes, but once Ella saw the camera, she just started smiling and being cute and wouldn't eat anymore. That's pretty typical of her personality--she's a smiley, sweet, snuggly baby who makes friends everywhere she goes. If she could just learn to sleep at night, she'd be pretty much perfect. For now, she's still up every 2-3 hours, and I'm struggling a bit with direction on all of that. I have some ideas, and am just trying to figure out where to start and what to do first.
She has a tooth now--got her first one in at 19 weeks, exactly like Adelyn. She's also a champion roller, and is trying very hard to get moving on her belly--I think scooting is in our very near future.

Not much new about me. Now that we're all well, I feel like I have a little more of a handle on things than I did for a while there. With at least one, if not all of us sick for about 9 weeks straight, it felt like I just couldn't get my head above water. Now we're seeing the other side and it's a great relief for this weary momma.
I spent the last couple of months raising money for a walkathon to benefit our local crisis pregnancy center, and it was really exciting to raise over $1000 and then attend the event where we celebrated $150,000 raised for such a great cause. We got to try out our new stroller:

I think the girls are going to love that this spring/summer. I saved for it for a while, and hope to get a lot of good use out of it. Now on to saving for Ella's big-girl car seat!
I've joined a Bunco group with some of my mommy friends, and we play one Saturday night a month, rotating through different houses. It's a nice chance to get out without kids briefly. I'm not really interested in leaving the girls for longer than crazy as it is when I'm exhausted and they make me crazy sometimes, I really hate to be away from them! Short breaks here and there are nice, but that's about all I want.
That's about it for what's going on around here. We're glad it's spring (even though it has been kind of up and down with the weather lately), and we're trying to get out and enjoy nice days, make playdates when we can, and just cross off one day at a time until our favorite man gets home. We've made it more than halfway now, and that feels so good!